About Us
Streetlight is a name made up by some people who met on the street and do street evangelism, independently, and sometimes together. The main point of connection has been Philadelphia Biblical University. Streetlight is a non-denominational activity but the participants are evangelical and believe that the Bible is true, that is not merely a helpful spiritual book, and that the full body of evidence and critical thinking shows beyond a shadow of a doubt that The God of the Bible exists and that worship is the fitting way to respond to his love.
Streetlight Info (this website) is a separate idea. The purpose of Streetlight Info is to provide information that street evangelists may share with people who might want more information about why Yahweh (which means the "I AM", a name that indicates he exists regardless of what humans believe, a name that he says will be his name forever despite people having the opposite view that they shouldn't speak it out of supposed piety) is trustworthy; how to become reconciled to him; and how to avoid pitfalls of mainstream North American Philosophy, and even of mainstream North American Christianity.
What we believe:
Though we are not part of an organization, the street evangelists that use name Steetlight have certain things in common. Like most evangelical Christians, we believe that The Bible (Genesis-Malachi, Matthew-Revelation) is the only authoritative group of writings given by the creator of the universe; and that through the Bible communicates without error (in the Hebrew and Greek manuscripts that are historically trustworthy) because God indicates a desire to do so and is smart enough to use imperfect tool (people) to create something without error, much like a great painter can use an imperfect brush to create a painting that yet communicates a message clearly. We believe that Jesus offered his life as a payment for sin because forgiveness always has a cost paid by the forgiver, and that any organization, denomination, religious leader, or personal effort replacing that offering to enter heaven is idolatry. The only way to accept that gift is to turn from sin (including that sin of idolatry) and follow Jesus. (Romans 10)
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)
All rights reserved
Jake Gustafson 2010