“Destroying the scholarly subterfuge of institutes of higher indoctrination.”

Spirits of Solstice:
Fact & Fiction About Jesus' Birth, & Why It is Important to Know the Difference

 There was a discussion about this with other Christians so I have noted where they gave their input.

Leading People to the Right Jesus

1. Choose the correct letter(s): answer(s) must accurately portray person/people named Jesus
(choose all that are correct)









2. Who does this describe?

  • Born on December 25th
  • His mother is the Queen of Heaven
  • His mother is the Star of the Sea
  • There was a star in the east at his birth
  • He was given gifts by 3 kings


    (answers are below)









    1. Answer(s) must accurately portray person/people named Jesus (choose all that are correct; only spelling not prenunciation matters)



    a. Jesus Sanchez, Clearwater Threshers




    b. Jesus” by Walter Sallmon (1940)

       INCORRECT: The figure in this painting more accurately depicts Adonis, a greek demigod whose pictures and statues were left in temples by Constantine when he made Christianity the State Religion of Rome.  But it is easy to get confused, because Adonis' shrine was at the Church of the Holy Nativity in Bethlehem, and his mother is a perpetual virgin, unlike Mary who had children with Joseph.


    c. Cover art of Popular Mechanics in December 2002

    This image was created to accurately portray Jesus, a Galilean Jew


    d. Haile Selassi I of Ethiopia.  Rastafarians will say they believe in Jesus Christ (pronounced Jeh'-suss).  They believe that Haile Selassi is an incarnation of Jesus Christ.



     Images are provided by Crupper, Beyer, “Cover”, and Guuleed, in that order.


    2. Who does this describe?

    Born on December 25th; Born of a perpetual virgin (meaning that she forever continues to be a virgin); His mother is the Queen of Heaven; His mother is the Star of the Sea; There was a star in the east at his birth; He was given gifts by 3 kings. (Zeitgeist)

     Answer: HORUS


    Why these beliefs may be from other spirits:

  • Not one of these things are accurate to how the Bible describes Jesus Christ of Nazareth, but do describe a spirit that was important to Egypt and Rome called Horus.
  • The wise men were in the east, so Jesus' star was in the west (it was also started out in the east then stopped over Jesus, so they were facing west when they were following the star). This is how the star guided the wise men westward.  It was not The Eastern Star, because Sirius becomes visible every year, whereas Herod and the wise men spoke of the star they saw as an unusual star that appeared then stopped over the place where Jesus was. (Matthew 2:9)
  • Horus' star was in the east, like the rising Sun of other Solar demigods.  That is why Solomon's Temple pointed opposite of the way the pagan temples did.  Freemasons claim their lodge is the Temple of Solomon but, “To face the ark of the covenant, one had to face west.  In the Lodge, all devotions are made facing east”.  (Shnoebelen) (Ezekiel 8 - they had to be outside of the temple to face that way)
  • Horus' mother Isis was called Queen of Heaven, and Star of the Sea. (“Isis”)
  • This false information about Jesus is used (by movies and other information sources) to label the Biblical account of Jesus as a myth that is a copy off of solar demigods.





    Something to think about

    (these are not rhetorical questions) 

    If this information that many people believe about Jesus describes someone else, are they still worshipping the same God? 

    How do you identify a higher being?




    I suggest that you identify a higher being by their origin (including birth if applicable) and their history.

     (my friends suggest comparing that to the Bible would help see if the spirit is the Spirit of Jesus or not)

    Is it ok to correct people if they have an
    incorrect idea about Christ?


    Here's one verse that may help:

    “We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ,”

    (2 Corinthians 10:5, NASB)

     (my friends suggest that the answer to the question is that it is okay if it is in the right way and for the right reasons--I suggest humility, and not assuming that the other person meant to do something wrong, and only if the Spirit of Jesus puts the desire in you to do it, and the way you could tell it is the Spirit of Jesus who is telling you to do it is by whether the actions and way you talk are in Love [Ephesians 4:15] and in line with other scripture, which he has already said)




  • If you follow Jesus, this guy should not be your friend:



  • Historically, Christians have changed the identity of Jesus so that people who worshipped Roman demigods would feel more comfortable, and so that idols wouldn't have to be removed from places of worship while Christianity was the state religion of Rome.

  • Messiahs of other religions may be Nephilim (if were real people, and if they were really born of Virgins)

  • Messiahs of other religions may have tried to fulfill prophecies from the Tanakh to enhance their credentials.  I'm not just giving this answer because it is convenient--even non-Christian teachings today like The Secret or Freemasonry claim to be the deeper meaning of the Bible even though they contradict the face value of the Bible.  I think one reason is so that they appear to have good credentials.  This is evidenced by the fact that many of the Bible terms were added to freemasonry when it was being persecuted during Christian revivals in the United States.

  • The stars may have some of the gospel story, and just because there are many people mimicking that story in the stars doesn't mean that they are true Messiahs or that Jesus is a Sun god.  The on Solstice the sun stays in the same spot at it's lowest point of the year ("dies") for 3 days then raises again and Sirius appears.  There are other phenomenon too such as the 3 stars pointing to the sunrise (which is in the east), but it should be noted that Jesus is distinguished from the other Solar demigods (evil spirits or Nephilim) because the wise men followed the star west not east, and it couldn't be the sun going from east to west after Solstice because it was a special event. So since it was a star that appeared unusually in the night sky it couldn't have been the Sun, and since it led them west it couldn't have been Sirius.

  • Messiahs of other religions lack the historical and prophetic context of Yeshua (Jesus)—the only way to know that Jesus is okay and Horus is not is the Tanakh (Jesus unique credentials are: massive amounts of precisely fulfilled prophecy, high quantity of high quality miracles, which together create a trail of identity leading all the way back to Yahweh and creation--this all says that if there is a Messiah of Israel, Jesus is the one because Yahweh, if real, has demonstrated his ability to know details about the future so he would've had to knowingly allow all of these prophecies to be fulfilled at the right time in the right place.  For reasons to believe that he is real and did allow it to happen, and is trustworthy and not tricking us, see Reasons to Trust the God of the Bible ).
  • Part 1 | Part 2

    Sources Cited

    Crupper, Jeff.  “2010 Threshers Roster” http://www.jeffcrupper.com/baseball/players.html accessed 2010-11-22
    Beyer, Christian.  http://sharpiron.wordpress.com/2007/07/18/black-jesus/ accessed 2010-11-23
    “Horus.” Wikipedia. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horus> accessed 2010-11-26
    “Isis.”  Wikipedia.  <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isis> accessed 2010-11-23
    “Cover Art.” Popular Mechanics. December 2002.
    “Free Printable Jewish Calendars and Calendar Converter.” Free Printable Activities. <http://freeprintableactivities.blogspot.com/2010/11/free-printable-jewish-calendars-and.html> accessed 2010-12-02
    Guuleed. “King Haile Selassie.” Flickr. <http://www.flickr.com/photos/guuleed/2047437689/> accessed 2010-11-23
    “Santa Clause.” Wikipedia.  <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santa_Claus> accessed 2010-12-02
    “Saint Nicholas.” Wikipedia. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Nicholas> accessed 2010-12-02
    Scheifler, Michael. “On What Day Was Jesus Born?” <http://biblelight.net/sukkoth.htm> accessed 2010-12-02
    Shnoebelen, Bill. “Masonry: Beyond the Light” <http://books.google.com/books?id=15d1CBrz2jEC&pg=PA216&lpg=PA216&dq=%22so+rises+the+worshipful+master%22+schnoebelen&source=bl&ots=so3KOj5FQ6&sig=8BnotUGP_68wI6NSK0hHvJu3IGw&hl=en&ei=hzzsTM6gBI7enQfJ0MjVAQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CBYQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false> accessed 2010-11-23
    “Thor.” Wikipedia. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thor> accessed 2010-12-02
    “Zeitgeist” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNf-P_5u_Hw accessed 2010-11-23


    All rights reserved
    Jake Gustafson 2010