“Destroying the scholarly subterfuge of institutes of higher indoctrination.”

Why would I do that?
Reasons Christians Might Want to Try Street Evangelism

Reaching the lost is the great commission of Jesus Christ has given to his followers. Hopefully regardless of your theology, if you are a true believer, you care about spreading the Word of God in spite of those who will not listen to your message.

Even if you make mistakes, you can trust that the Spirit of Jesus knows what he's doing by having you there, and that he will fulfill his word by leaving the "ninety nine sheep" to find the "one lost sheep". There are even cases of people who where hostile or abrupt with believers on the street but came to Jesus later because of personal experience or reading the Bible or considering other information given to them.

You can learn how to deal with hostile anti-Christian people better.

If you are to be successful, you will learn that pleasing God is more important than pleasing people or catering to popular opinion.

95% of effective street evangelism is actually just being there--once your there, you've done just about everything you need to do...from there, you learn to deal with individual situations that come up. You'll never be prepared for an uncontrolled environment, but if you're not there, you'll definitely not get used to conversing with people in that way.




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Jake Gustafson 2010